UNMATTED - NO tangles in hair
- Short hair: Bath, Brush and De-shed, Trim nails $115
- Medium hair: Bath, Brush and De-shed, Trim nails: $135
- Long hair: Bath, Brush and De-shed, Trim nails: $150
- Maine Coon: Bath, Brush and De-shed, Trim Nails - $200
- Shave Down or "Lion Trim" - add $50 to prices above
- Prices start at $200 and cannot be quoted until we see the cat. The $200 price is for tangles or some matting on belly, etc. Seriously matted (“helmet matting”) cats will be $350 or more.
- Matted shave-downs, without a bath: subtract $40
- Add $40 to price of groom above
- WE WILL NOT ATTEMPT TO GROOM A CAT WHO GROWLS OR IS AGGRESSIVE. We will abort the grooming process at any time, or skip the bath if the cat becomes aggressive. If we have to stop the grooming process because of the cat’s behavior we will charge $75 for any portion of the hour for the time already spent.
- We are unable to groom any cat over the age of 14. We recommend older cats be groomed under the care of a veterinarian.
- All first time cat grooming appointments require a $25 non-refundable deposit payable at the time of booking. Deposits are charged on the day the appointment is made and then applied to the grooming service. Deposits save the date and are only good for the day reserved. Rescheduling or a change in the date of service, or a failure to show up for an appointment, results in the forfeiture of the deposit.